American Association of Professional Baseball

The American Association of Professional Baseball is an independent professional baseball league operating in the central United States and Canada, mostly in cities not served by major league teams. With so much passion for the game and a rich history, their website needed to stand out and do some heavy hitting, providing a hub for team information and league operations.

Services Provided

Website Design Icon

Website Design

Custom website design with baseball card style feeling throughout.

Website Development Icon

Website Development

Custom website development with team pages, news releases and player highlights.

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Content Consulting

The existing website had hundreds of pages that needed to be transferred and re-organized.

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Hosting & Maintenance

Ongoing hosting, maintenance and regular updates.

The Challenge

Improve the User Experience

During the COVID-19 pandemic, baseball was hit hard when games were cancelled. Fans and players alike looked forward to the day that their favorite game could again be played. In preparation for whatever lay ahead, the American Association of Professional Baseball saw the need for a more substantial online footprint. They wanted to be relevant if another season had to be played in front of cameras rather than stadiums packed full of crowds. And when they could play ball in front of their fans again, they wanted to do it in style with a beautiful, user-friendly website.

There were some specific needs the client had, as well. Over the lifetime of the old site, there were many changes in formatting on individual interior pages that needed to be made uniform for the site to have a cohesive look. The client had a scoreboard on their website, but it was broken. They also wanted to monetize the site with Google Ads and use the site as a platform for AABaseball.TV.

The Solution

Consulting Strategy and Custom Website Development

This was a large development project, with a substantial amount of content supplied by AA Baseball. In total, we would develop 127 pages on the new website, which included a full re-write and redesign of 20 pages and updating the layout of the remaining pages using their existing content. 

The new website would also be a gateway to each of the sites belonging to the individual AA Baseball teams. We wanted to make it easy for fans to buy tickets and merchandise and read about their favorite teams.

We had weekly consulting meetings to keep the project running smoothly. This began with content consulting. While going through the original content, the client decided what would stay and what would go.  Then we developed a clear site map that would meet the client’s needs. We paid particular attention to 10 top-level pages and critical interior pages, both in content consulting and design and development.

We integrated AABaseball.TV, the Pointstreak Scoreboard, and Google Ads. 

Excellent communication between our team and AA Baseball made the project successful, but it was our established process that was the real home run here. After the project ended, one of the AA Baseball team members used our process to assist a colleague in preparing for their own website re-design project. That’s the ultimate compliment!