What Do Icebergs Have To Do With Website Design?

Good question! We're so glad you asked...

Behind The Name: "Iceberg"

There's more to website development than the website your customers see. In fact, that's just the tip of the iceberg.

Why did we choose the name Iceberg?

We could tell you that a polished website is just the “tip of the iceberg”. We would go on to talk about what is involved with creating a website that your customers will love, and that will bring leads into your business. When you start a new website development project, you need to work with a team that has a depth of experience, who you can trust. Behind every step of your website design project is our Project Manager, Mariann, making sure that you are receiving great service and a product you love.

Depth of Experience

Just like an iceberg, what you don’t see at first glance of our company is the incredible amount of experience, as well as support, that allows the business to thrive. We’ve been developing websites since the days of Geocities and animated gifs – and we’ve kept up with design trends and new technology as it comes out.

How We Really Chose The Name

While we could make analogies to icebergs all day long, to be honest the original naming of the company wasn’t quite that deep (pun intended). 

The name came from a conversation in a car, on a slippery commute from the Twin Cities to Morris, Minnesota. Our owner was driving home with a business plan and a two week resignation notice. She needed a name for her new website development company. It started to snow, and because of the snow storm the word “iceberg” came out in a brainstorming session. It stuck. Today, we’re rather fond of the name and have built a strong brand behind it.

White Penguin

So... What's With The Penguin?

Close your eyes, and imagine an iceberg. Now, pick an animal – any animal. Yeah, you picked the penguin, didn’t you?

Aside from the obvious imagery connection between penguins and icebergs, a big part of our brand value is “fun.” Studies have shown that employees who enjoy their jobs work better and more efficiently. Our penguin represents the fun, playful side of our business.

Getting work done is truly black and white – but there is no reason that we can’t have fun in the process. High fives all around!

More About Icebergs…

Icebergs are beautiful to watch. They are graceful and tranquil as they move in the ocean. Icebergs come in all shapes, sizes, and colors. In fact, icebergs can be white, blue, black, green, striped, and even pink! 

Just like icebergs, the websites we develop come in different shapes and sizes. No two websites are the same. Every one of our customers has a different need for their business, and we know how to recognize their needs and create something unique just for them. 

Want to learn more? Stay in touch!