Every year, websites become more visual, requiring images that captivate the site visitor and communicate your message in tandem with the written content. Therefore, finding and choosing the right images for your website is essential to your brand’s success recipe. Humans are visual creatures. A single photograph can stir up a symphony of emotions, so...Read More
Do People Look At Image Carousels? We often have clients who want to have a carousel of images, also known as sliders, in the hero of their homepage. They have visions of dazzling their site’s visitors with stunning pictures and testimonials without the user even having to scroll through their site. But there are a...Read More
Are Your Images Helping Your SEO? Optimize your images for SEO. Not only are we becoming increasingly visual, but image search is also becoming more critical than ever. Do you want your pages and posts optimized? They should have optimized images. Not only are we becoming increasingly visual, but image search is also becoming more...Read More
Early websites were text-heavy, with a few images sprinkled throughout the pages. Today’s websites have large, high-quality photos that dominate every page of your site. Finding the right ones are essential. Unfortunately, many people take shortcuts that are not in line with best practices. Here are some things to keep in mind when gathering and...Read More