Why Your Business Could Use Google Ads Management If you’re feeling overwhelmed by the idea of Google ads, don’t worry, we are here to help! No, seriously, we know business owners are always worried about advertising. Google ads can be incredibly beneficial for your business. It can also supplement other marketing campaigns, such as email...Read More
What Is Google Analytics 4? Ready or not! GA4 is here! Google Analytics 4, or GA4, is the latest version of Google Analytics, offering revolutionary web analytics technology. This new version of analytics can enhance your business’ marketing efforts. With analytics, you can effectively measure crucial customer usage metrics and make data-driven decisions to drive...Read More
What Is A Customer Journey? A customer journey refers to a business’ ideal mapped out experience a person has with a brand, from their initial contact with the brand until they make a purchase and then become a loyal customer. The journey encompasses all touchpoints with a company, including interactions with the website, customer service...Read More
Thankful At Iceberg Web Design We are Thankful For Iceberg Web Design, as 2021 is coming to a close, we wanted to take a moment to reflect. Like any other year, there have been a lot of ups and downs. We like to focus on the positives here at Iceberg, and I’m glad we can...Read More
Upgrade Your Elevator Pitch! If you can’t get prospects to convert, you have a brand-pitch issue, not a sales pitch issue. Your core messaging is either unclear or off-brand. The way to solve this problem is to quickly get to the bottom line by encapsulating your brand, what it is, and what it isn’t. Upgrade...Read More
At Iceberg Web Design, we have an entire team of penguins dedicated to helping you solve your business dilemmas with web-based solutions. Our newest developer is Josh Smith. Today in our Penguin Profile, we will be talking to Josh to learn more about him and what he does at Iceberg. Josh | Senior Developer...Read More
When you intern with Iceberg Web Design, you work with an entire team of web marketing professionals to learn and grow. We have been spending time getting to know some of our full-time employees pictured above, but today we will get to know our intern, Cece Talbot. We are helping our business, and our community...Read More
When you work with Iceberg Web Design, you work with an entire team of web marketing professionals. But just who are these people who are hard at work helping you connect with your customers? For the next couple of months, we will be profiling our team of penguins. Today we are talking with our Project...Read More
Happy Holidays from Iceberg Web Design Everyone knows 2020 has been challenging. This year, more than any, it is so important that we hold tight to the little things that bring us moments of joy. Here at Iceberg, we decided to share some of the holiday traditions that we are keeping alive for ourselves...Read More