Do Your Customers Know What To Do On Your Website? When someone visits your website, what’s the one thing you want them to do? This crucial action—your website’s “verb”—is the key to guiding visitors and achieving your business goals. Why Do You Need a Verb? People are overwhelmed when visiting websites and often don’t like...Read More
Setting Clear Goals Will Help Improve Your Website Redesign When considering a new website redesign, it’s crucial to determine the goals you want to achieve with your online presence. Your website can serve multiple purposes, and understanding your primary objectives will guide the design and functionality of your site. Here’s a guide to help you...Read More
Everyone needs goals. Even your website! It is essential to have your website’s direction and goals established from the very beginning of your project. That’s why we learn what they are during the kickoff meeting when you first meet the team that will be working on your website. That way, everyone will be on the...Read More