There are two times during the website development process when you will have an opportunity to provide helpful design feedback. How do you do that most constructively? The First Review is During the Mockup Reveal. The mockup is revealed a couple of weeks after the content phase of the custom site is done. Our customers...Read More
Have you outgrown your brand? It can be tough to know when to make a change. Here are some ideas to help you decide if you should rebrand now. Rebranding can include a new name, logo, colors, and fonts. The change can be subtle or drastic. But it is vital to rebrand sooner than later...Read More
At Iceberg Web Design, we love our pets. Sometimes, they even come to work with us! We welcome them into our zoom calls and our office. Our pets enrich our personal and professional lives in various ways, so we thought we would share a bit about them. CeCe’s Dog, Ziggy Ziggy the Maltese! Malteses were...Read More
The Penguins Love Animal Care Providers I interview the business owners who become our clients, so I always learn something new. One of my favorite industries to write for is the Animal Care industry. As a Content Writer for Iceberg Web Design, I get the opportunity to interview the business owners who become our...Read More
Have you ever wondered how Google and other search engines can efficiently organize all the content that ends up on their search engine results pages? They do it with the help of search robots. They aren’t literal robots, but virtual ones that crawl the internet, indexing titles, summaries, and entire contents of websites faster and...Read More
The goal of your website is to reach current and prospective customers. But what if many of those customers don’t speak English? How are you going to connect with them? With your website, of course! The Benefits of a Multilingual Website Your Content Will Reach a Wider Audience Worldwide Worldwide, only 25.9% of internet users...Read More
Today we will look at the page on your website that all too often gets treated as an afterthought. That’s right—the contact page. What makes a good one? Read on! Keep it Simple The most important job your contact page has is to put your readers in touch with you. That’s the whole point of...Read More
One of the questions we always get from potential customers is, “How long will it take to build my site?” It can be a tough one to answer until we do some deeper digging. A website is never one-size-fits-all. Some take as little as six weeks, while others take up to 24 months. Today we...Read More
There’s a saying some people use when they need to leave a social situation. “I’ve gotta bounce!” Keeping this in mind makes understanding what a bounce rate is on your website. The bounce rate is what percentage of people go to your website and then leave right away before clicking on anything within your site....Read More
Search engine optimization (SEO) is a complex topic. The rules seem to constantly be changing and it can be hard to keep up. Misinformation abounds, and this includes the issue of duplicate content. What is it? Will Google penalize your site for having it? How can you prevent duplicate content’s negative consequences to your site’s...Read More