Artificial Images: Today’s Alternative to Stock Photography Have you ever found yourself stuck in the age-old dilemma of finding the perfect image for your website? Stock photos can be great when you don’t have your own photography – but finding a photo that matches what your unique content is saying can be challenging. In the...Read More
There are two times during the website development process when you will have an opportunity to provide helpful design feedback. How do you do that most constructively? The First Review is During the Mockup Reveal. The mockup is revealed a couple of weeks after the content phase of the custom site is done. Our customers...Read More
Have you outgrown your brand? It can be tough to know when to make a change. Here are some ideas to help you decide if you should rebrand now. Rebranding can include a new name, logo, colors, and fonts. The change can be subtle or drastic. But it is vital to rebrand sooner than later...Read More
Everyone needs goals. Even your website! It is essential to have your website’s direction and goals established from the very beginning of your project. That’s why we learn what they are during the kickoff meeting when you first meet the team that will be working on your website. That way, everyone will be on the...Read More
Deadlines Can be a Roadmap to the success of your project For a website project to succeed, the client and the development team need to work together. We need input from the client to create the website that best represents their brand. We also need the information that allows us to access and transfer their...Read More
Do People Look At Image Carousels? We often have clients who want to have a carousel of images, also known as sliders, in the hero of their homepage. They have visions of dazzling their site’s visitors with stunning pictures and testimonials without the user even having to scroll through their site. But there are a...Read More
Using your marketing budget. Iceberg Web Design can help with all your digital marketing needs. So don’t let your marketing budget go unused. With the hits many businesses have taken throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, many companies have cut their marketing budgets to curb spending. Data from research firm Gartner CMO Strategic Priorities Survey 2020-2021 reveals...Read More
When customers come to us for a website, they often have an idea of what they want, but they aren’t sure of what kind of investment it will involve, timewise and financially. They also may be unsure of how much of a commitment is applied after the website goes live. We have two main products...Read More
We don’t all respond the same way to the same colors. Color significance can vary from one culture to the next, and we each have our individual preferences. But there is general color psychology that can guide us in the decisions we make when designing websites and other marketing materials. Red Red is an energizing...Read More
Some people allow their site to sit on the web like a glorified business card. But smart business owners know that their website is the most valuable employee they have. They can put their site to work, saving them money in the long run by automating tasks and integrating business solutions. It can also be...Read More