Brand Clarity for Social Media Engagement | Iceberg Web Design

Brand Clarity for Social Media Engagement

You must have brand clarity and a defined purpose, ensuring your message is heard in the noise of social media. And understand the “rules” of the social platform you are using.

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How do you ensure your message is heard in today’s rapidly changing noisy environment of social media? You are not only competing against other brands but also other content creators and each social platform’s algorithm. To be heard above the noise, you must have brand clarity and a defined purpose for being in that social sphere.

You also need to understand the “rules” of the social platforms you are using to best leverage the content you post to that platform.

Start by Asking Yourself a two Questions

1.      What do I want to accomplish on social media?
Do I want:

  •       Social engagement
  •       Employee engagement
  •       Lead generation
  •       Community engagement
  •       Feedback from potential customers
  •       Name recognition


Make your goal(s) the center of everything you do on social.


  1.       Who is going to monitor and engage the community on my chosen social channel?

The reason people are on social media because they want to engage with family, friends, influencers, and brands. So if you think you will just put content out there and that will satisfy the masses, you’re wrong. It will come off as insincere.


While you may not think you need someone to babysit your social media full-time (especially if you are only using one preferred platform), you will want someone who will pay attention to it and respond in a way that your audience will appreciate. It isn’t a crockpot that you can set and forget. And, if your social media campaign does happen to go viral, it will be well worth the cost of hiring a full-time social media expert.


You must go deep if you want to get the most out of the content you create. The benefit of this is that you can create one in-depth blog and use it from several angles across your social media channels.

Imagine you write a post about dog grooming during the pandemic.

  •       You have amazing pictures for Instagram of coifed dogs.
  •       Highlight the changes in the grooming industry for a LinkedIn post.
  •       On Facebook, talk about the top 3 essential oils you can use to calm your dog down before they go to the groomer. Then, ask other people for their tips.
  •       Make a great video montage in fast motion for TikTok.

Whatever you choose to do, link back to the original post and stay part of the conversation.


When your audience and your content collide, and a conversation starts, the content you create is amplified. It becomes alive! And that’s the best publicity of all.

Recently I came across a Tic-Tok video of a 56 year-old-woman who struggled with bags under her eyes after weight loss surgery. She applied Thomas Peter Roth Instant Firmx Eye Temporary Eye Tightener to one eye in real-time and showed the difference it made. It was remarkable! Peter Thomas Roth sold out of this product everywhere—including on their e-comm site.

Why did this work? Because it was genuine! Many people who saw the video shared it, and Peter Thomas Roth benefited from the community. Engage!


Reverse engineer social media. Stop selling to people and begin engaging with them. When you educate people in inspiring and entertaining ways, they will comment on and share your content. Respond to their comments! This is your brand’s opportunity to be a part of the conversation. Don’t let those opportunities pass you by.

This engagement brings organic traffic to your site and will increase your authority in Google’s eyes.

Tic-Tok and Instagram are currently the best platforms to create snack-able content that your audience will engage with and share. But the platform(s) you choose will depend on where your ideal audience is.

Engaging a Professional

Do you need help defining your Brand Clarity for social media engagement? Does your content need a facelift? Iceberg Web Design has content writers and branding specialists who can help. Best of all, we are easy to reach. We are web developers who answer the phone. Call us at 763-350-8762 or contact us today to take your business to the next level.


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